Work your cattle with WorkCarts

Work your cattle with WorkCarts

Cattle WorkCarts are where you go when you want to create a table with all of the animals you wish to work and tasks you plan to complete. 

** If there is a task you'd like added, send me a note at with the title "WorkCart Tasks"

Before you set up your WorkCart

For Cattle WorkCarts to work you need to have the cattle in a pasture or a group. If you wish to work a group within a pasture, we recommend creating a group with those cattle. Name it something you'll be able to quickly recognize. Don't worry, cattle can be in pastures and groups at the same time. 

If you plan to apply a health treatment, make sure you've added the item to your inventory. You can learn more about that here

If you plan to move cattle to a new pasture, make sure you have that pasture in the portal. Likewise, if you wish to create a natural service breeding group with that pasture, make sure your pasture is set up as a breeding pasture

Setting Up Your WorkCart

Find the WorkCart setup by going to the Mega Menu and selecting "Work Your Cattle" under "Other". 

Once you are here, select the pasture or group you wish to work. Click the "Create WorkCarts" button. 

Fill out the form details. The date should be the date you plan to work your cattle. The portal uses the date to define which data points should be collected for your cattle. Ex: if you are adding weaning data, it wouldn't prompt you to enter it for a mature cow. 

Next select the tasks you wish to perform.

Task Customization

When you select the tasks, buckets will open below so you can customize the tasks.

If you select the "Show" checkbox under the data point, it will show up in the table for that specific section. If it isn't selected it won't be in the table. 

You can collect data without showing it. Example: If all of your ear tags are in the left ear, you can select that from the drop down and choose not to show it in the table. It will store the data when you save the WorkCart, but it won't clutter up your form.

You can also select a default from the drop down and choose to show that data point. This might be helpful if you typically tag in the left ear, but for some unusual circumstance you have to tag one in the right ear. All of the fields in that column would default to Left Ear, but you could change the dropdown in the one exception to Right Ear. 

When adding Health, you will select the medications from your inventory. If you have all of the dosage information connected to those items, the portal will help you calculate the dosages. 

If the dose requires a weight, you can opt to show the weight. Note: If you are collecting weight from a different task, you don't need to also show it here. 

Next select the Location, Method, Date (this will default to the work date) and Administered By from the form. These will not show up in the table we are about to create. You can always come back and edit this should you need to. 

Once you are done, select Update WorkCart. Your WorkCart has now been created. 

View Your WorkCart

You can view your WorkCart immediately by selecting Work Cattle. 

You can also view a previously created WorkCart by clicking on Cattle WorkCarts under Other in the Mega Menu. 

When viewing your WorkCart you can enter data, save it by clicking "Save All" or "Save to WorkCart" next to the row, and come back to it OR you can commit it to the animal records by clicking "Mark as Completed". 

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