1. Set up the Association Connect section for your herd.
Click Association Connect under the Tools column of the Settings Menu.
Once you are here, click on the Management Tab.
Click "Add Association". Select your breed association from the drop-down and click Add Association.
2. Export your data into a spreadsheet for your Breed Association.
Go back to the Associations tab. Filter your data to include the data you wish to export.
Ex. Filter your data by calves born after 05/01/2019. Select "Filter".
Select all or some of your cattle.
Click "Export Data".
Choose your Association and the data type to export and click "Export Data".
You'll get a notification saying the data has been sent. Go to your DigitalBeef Registry Site and then you'll see the data in your queues.
If your data didn't export correctly, send us a note and let us know at
hello@digitalbeef.com with the title Association Export Problems.