Account Settings
The account setting section shows you your credentials to access the portal. You can click "Edit Details" to update the information or reset your password.
My Addresses
My Addresses is important if you have multiple premise ID's or ranch locations. You can connect your pastures to different addresses to track locations. To add a new address select "Add Address".
If you wish to connect pastures to a premise ID or ranch location, select "Ranch" from the drop down. Here you can enter your ranch details.
Billing & Plan Details
The Billing & Plan Details section shows you the plan you are subscribed to, your billing history and the card you have on file. If you wish to change the plan, click "change plan". If you wish to update your payment information, click the link to do so.
Note: The credit card information is not stored at DigitalBeef. We use which is a secured payment processing platform. Go
here to learn more about the security of your credit card information.
User Management
Click "Add User" to create a new user. We plan to add different user types and permissions in a soon to come update.
Add the user details and click create user.
You can come in and edit the users by going to the action menu at any time.